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Russian Samovar 20
Provenance: From the city of Tula.
Dimensions: Height 39cm , Width of the base
Age: Pre-1917, Czar Era.
Owner: Not mentioned.
Info: It is made of brass,nickelled on the surface."Piotr Vasilievich Salichev Samovar Factory ,Tula" appears on the lid as well as on the main body as the manufacturer. Medallions received in the years 1899-1900-1902- 1904 and 1905.The noticeable Czar Family amblem is sitting on top of these medals.
Status: Available
Russian Samovar-12
Provenance: From the city of Tula.
Dimensions: Height 46 cm ,Width of the base 15cm.
Age: Pre -1917, Czar Era.
Owner: Not mentioned.
Info: It is made of brass in classical silindirical form. Marked on the lid on the body as well as on the base.The name of the maker is mentioned as "Nikolay Ivanoviç Bataşev-Tula ".Several medallions received in successive years-from 1870,1873,1882,1889,1892.
Status: Available
Russian Samovar -19
Provenance: From the city of Tula.
Dimensions: Height 34cm ,Width of the base 10cm.
Age: Pre -1917, Czar Era.
Owner: Not mentioned.
Info: It is made of brass, nickelled on the surface. "Samovar Factory of Nikitin Federovic Nikolayev, Tula" can be read on the lid.It received the Silver Medallion in 1900.
Status: Available
Russian Samovar-14
Provenance: From the city of Tula.
Dimensions: Height 42 cm, Width of the base 15 cm.
Age: Pre -1917,Czar Era.
Owner: Not mentioned.
Info: It is made of brass,nickelled on the surface.Pear- shaped samovars like this one is seldom found.The masters name "Pavel Gudkova-Tula"appears on the lid.
Status: Available
Russian Samovar-22
Provenance: From the city of Tula.
Dimensions: Height 26 cm ,Width of the base 11 cm.
Age: Pre -1917.Czar Era.
Owner: Not mentioned.
Info: It is made of brass,nickelled on the surface.Unusually small in size and shape.The masters name can be seen on the lid as "Grigoriy Romanov".
Status: Available
Russian Samovar-15
Provenance: From the city of Tula.
Dimensions: Height 42cm , Width of the base 19cm.
Age: Pre -1917 Czar Era.
Owner: Not mentioned.
Info: It is made of brass, known as a Caucassian form.The main body is fluted.Narrow at the bottom and wider at the top."A. E....Tula" is what can be noticed on the partly erased medallion.
Status: Available